As a practitioner of natural medicine I am often asked my view on eating meat. My patients are usually quite surprised when I say that I sometimes eat it several times a day. As with most concepts in ancient Chinese medical science, very little is seen as black or white. The consumption of meat can […]
Archive | Podcasts
Podcast: Focus on Digestion
Digestive problems are a real concern for many people. I personally suffered from unrecognized Celiac disease for 40 years so know first hand how difficult these problems are. Like many concepts about our bodies, digestion seems so complex and helping problems seems mysterious due to the limited descriptions of western medicine. The natural language of […]
Podcast: Metabolism Part 2
Metabolic Dysfunction In Metabolism Part 1 I discussed the analogical way in which ancient Chinese medical science describes your metabolism. Here in Part 2 I describe things that can disrupt metabolism and lead to what modern science calls metabolic syndrome. This is the simultaneous occurrence of abdominal fat accumulation, cholesterol and triglyceride issues, high blood […]
Podcast: Metabolism Part 1
Metabolism Like many medical terms in the information age, the word metabolism is thrown around a lot in conversation. Ideas of fast and slow abound but few descriptions offer a complete picture of how we convert food and oxygen to the warmth, activity, and physical material of our bodies. Likewise, there is a dearth of […]