Acupuncture is a natural treatment for anxiety

Treating Anxiety Naturally with Acupuncture

Anxiety, that chaotic mix of emotions heading toward a feeling of panic, can be helped tremendously with acupuncture treatments. This medicine is very effective at calming the mind and creating a sense of peace. In fact, a feeling of deep relaxation is the most common feeling my patients report immediately after their treatments whether for […]

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Treat back pain naturally with acupuncture

Treating Back Pain with Acupuncture

Chronic back pain is the most frequent reason that people seek out acupuncture, especially when other treatment methods have not helped. Acupuncture is extremely effective at helping with all kinds of back pain—low-back pain, mid-back pain, upper-back and neck pain, all can be helped by acupuncture. I will state here again as I have in […]

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Acupuncture is an effective treatment for infertility

Acupuncture and Infertility

My wife’s and my struggle with infertility was the experience that led me to become an acupuncturist. After the birth of our first son where early labor was an issue beginning at week 34 of pregnancy, we experienced the wrenching loss of a baby with a miscarriage. Then we had difficulty conceiving again and consulted […]

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Fig. 12 Human figure showing all acupuncture channels throughout the body

The Acupuncture Channels

Just as western medicine uses the organizational models of anatomy and physiology as a way to classify the body, Chinese medicine uses the channel system as one of its organizational models. Meridians is another name for the channels. Here is an overview of the hierarchy of the channels. The channels of acupuncture are where the […]

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A female patient age 33 came to me for acupuncture treatment of neck pain due to an automobile accident. As we began a review of her medical history she revealed that for 4 years she had suffered from gastroparesis, a stomach disorder where the stomach does not empty food to the intestines, leading to frequent […]

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Burton Moomaw Acupuncture in Boone NC

Inflammation, the Root of All Disease?

There is a new comment heard repeatedly in Western Medicine (conventional medicine) which says, “Inflammation is the root of all disease.” Let’s take a look at this concept and see why this assumption is both right, and wrong. Here is the definition of inflammation from Wikipedia: Inflammation (Latin, inflammatio) is part of the complex biological […]

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Burton Moomaw Acupuncture in Boone NC

Patient Stories: Introduction

In this section I will share with you some of the stories of the work with my patients. I will give each the title of their western medical illness and tell you about how treatment progressed. Reading stories about the experience of others has always been meaningful to me with struggles in my life. The […]

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Burton Moomaw Acupuncture in Boone NC

Acupuncture Channels: Introduction

Welcome to my descriptions of the wonderful channels of acupuncture. These channels, also known as meridians, are a complete control and protection system in our bodies. As you will see in the sequence of the channels, they offer a model to analyze where poor function is rooted or pathology is located, and the therapeutic interface […]

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Website by Courtney Tiberio